Disperse Technology Stack

·2 min read


For our front end, we use the react framework Nextjs. Nextjs is amazing for our needs and one of the most liked production frameworks and it is perfect for our needs. Moreover, for styling, we use tailwindcss, a library that allows you to quickly use CSS within your react components. For additional animations, we use framer motion, which allows us to produce complex animations. For some of the components, we use Radix UI and are very happy with their offerings as well.

For authentication, we use the library nextauth. At first, we thought about using auth0, but it just wasn't suitable for our needs. NextAuth is amazing and we recommend it for any project using NextJs.


For our backend, we use Express Js with Typescript. It's incredibly easy to use and scales very nicely. Moreover, we use Prisma for our ORM, it allows us to quickly work with our planetscale (MYSQL) database.


For our payments we use Stripe. Stripe is trusted by a plethora of multi-billion dollar tech companies for their payment processing. It's amazing for all sorts of use-cases but it really shines for a software-as-a-service product like ours.


For the storage of media content, we use Google Cloud. It's one of the most developer-friendly platforms, and overall we are very happy with the features they provide. For storing user information and other data from users, we use planetscale. We are very happy with planetscale, it's incredibly fast and available for all our needs. Definitely give it a try.

Blog Content

Our content management service for our blog is Sanity. Their interface is really nice and integrates with nextjs really well. There are a ton of examples of Sanity and nextjs, built-in projects. As of right now, we are happy to use the basic versions of what sanity offers, however, as we begin to develop an SEO strategy, our CMS may change.


We deploy our front end with Vercel. Their interface is very clear and we have been using their products for over a year now.

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